Friday, January 10, 2014

Veritas volume is not mirroring due to mismatch plex and volume size

An unusual problem where Plex length and volume size is different. i was trying to mirror this particular volume but getting error. volume had below status:
v  DXarchive90d -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   419430400 SELECT   -        fsgen
pl DXarchive90d-01 DXarchive90d ENABLED ACTIVE 418426880 CONCAT   -        RW
sd asmm7_8-01   DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_8 0      167270400 0        usp006_21 ENA
sd asmm7_9-01   DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_9 0      167270400 167270400 usp006_19 ENA
sd asmm7_10-01  DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_20 0     83886080 334540800 usp006_9 ENA
can be seen Plex and volume size has difference of 1003520 sectors.
  • Now while trying to add mirror plex it throws error.
vxassist -v -b -g asmm7 mirror DXarchive90d layout=mirror-concat alloc=”asmm7_21m asmm7_22m asmm7_23″
root:XXXXX:/root # VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-1204 Volume DXarchive90d has no complete plexes, cannot attach
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-502 Could not attach new mirror(s) to volume DXarchive90d
  • Tried with low level command for attaching the plex but no luck:(root:XXXX:/root # vxplex -g asmm7 att DXarchive90d DXarchive90d-02
    VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-4035 Plex DXarchive90d-02 would be a sparse plex of Volume DXarchive90d
    use -o force to force the operation root:XXXXX:/root # vxplex -g asmm7 -o force att DXarchive90d DXarchive90d-02
    VxVM vxplex ERROR V-5-1-1204 Volume DXarchive90d has no complete plexes, cannot attach
  • Then tried to match the Plex size and volume size.root:XXXXXX:/root # vxmake -g asmm7 sd asmm7_10-04 asmm7_10,0,1003520
    root:XXXXXX:/root # vxsd -g asmm7 assoc DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_10-04
    And it worked:)
    v  DXarchive90d -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   419430400 SELECT   -        fsgen
    pl DXarchive90d-01 DXarchive90d ENABLED ACTIVE 419430400 CONCAT   -        RW
    sd asmm7_8-01   DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_8 0      167270400 0        usp006_21 ENA
    sd asmm7_9-01   DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_9 0      167270400 167270400 usp006_19 ENA
    sd asmm7_10-01  DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_20 0     83886080 334540800 usp006_9 ENA
    sd asmm7_10-04  DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_10 0     1003520  418426880 usp006_16 ENA
  • Then mirrored the volume.
    • root:XXXXXX:/root # vxassist -v -b -g asmm7 mirror DXarchive90d layout=mirror-concat alloc=”asmm7_21m asmm7_22m asmm7_23m”root:XXXXXX:/root #  vxtask -l list
      Task:      559 RUNNING
      Type:      ATCOPY
      Operation: PLXATT Vol DXarchive90d Plex DXarchive90d-02 Dg asmm7
      Started:   Thu Dec 06 12:07:12 2012
      Throttle:  0
      Progress:  46.95% 196917248 of 419430400 Blocks
      Work time: 29 minutes, 12 seconds (32:59 remaining)
    • And its done:)v  DXarchive90d -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   419430400 SELECT   -        fsgen
      pl DXarchive90d-01 DXarchive90d ENABLED ACTIVE 419430400 CONCAT   -        RW
      sd asmm7_8-01   DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_8 0      167270400 0        usp006_21 ENA
      sd asmm7_9-01   DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_9 0      167270400 167270400 usp006_19 ENA
      sd asmm7_10-01  DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_20 0     83886080 334540800 usp006_9 ENA
      sd asmm7_10-04  DXarchive90d-01 asmm7_10 0     1003520  418426880 usp006_16 ENA
      pl DXarchive90d-02 DXarchive90d ENABLED ACTIVE 419430400 CONCAT   -        RW
      sd asmm7_21m-01 DXarchive90d-02 asmm7_21m 0    167270400 0        usp009_20 ENA
      sd asmm7_22m-01 DXarchive90d-02 asmm7_22m 0    167270400 167270400 usp009_21 ENA
      sd asmm7_23m-01 DXarchive90d-02 asmm7_23m 0    84889600 334540800 usp009_22 ENA

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