Note again: this is only if you want to configure Jumpstart server
for x86 clients.
So let's first do quick introduction about JumpStart Server.
It consists of three servers (yes, all can be in one machine):
1. Boot (provides RARP, TFTP and bootparam services)
2. Configuration (specifies client's profile, list of software, begin
and finish scripts)
3. Install Server (provides OS/software to be installed on a client)
Basically next tasks are necessary for setting up jumpstart server:
1. Installing Solaris OS distribution
2. Setup configuration server with configuration files, and verify them
(config file syntax)
3. Share installation directories (NFS server is running, right?)
4. Make sure client has access
Installing OS distribution
Mount Solaris OS DVD ISO image, see how .
And install the server (yes in designated location, like /jumpstart/
# /mnt/Solaris_10/Tools> ./setup_install_server /jumpstart/server/x86
Verifying target directory...
Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_10 product
Calculating space required for the installation boot image
Copying the CD image to disk...
Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...
Copying /boot netboot hierarchy...
Install Server setup complete
Making Configuration server
You need:
1. profile text file (defines software to be installed)
2. rules text file (defines rules/steps for install)
3. scripts for pre and post install tasks
4. sysidcfg (configuration information)
Note: Sun provides 'check' script that you run to verify rule file, if
everything okay, script will generate rules.ok file.
Basically this works like:
1. Jumpstart reads rules.ok file
2. Jumpstart finds profile in rules.ok and use it for installation
3. If rule(s) doesn't match, regular interactive installation occurs.
Profile file
This file defines how to install software. Check Sun docs for many
Example of profile with comments:
# keyword value
# ============================
# Keyword install_type is MANDATORY
install_type initial_install
# If system_type omitted, standalone will be also used
system_type standalone
# Cluster is collection of packages that makes functional unit.
# Meta-cluster is collection of clusters and packages that creates
# They are listed in /mnt/Solaris_10/Product/.clustertoc file.
# If add/delete is not specified, add is used
cluster SUNWCreq
cluster SUNWCdhcp add
cluster SUNWC-name add nfs server:/servername/path
# fdisk directive is MUST for x86 client !!!!
fdisk all solaris all
# partitioning - Defines how disk is divided in slices
# Must be combined with keyword filesys
partitioning explicit
filesys rootdisk.s0 4096 /
filesys rootdisk.s1 4096 swap
filesys rootdisk.s3 4096 /var
filesys rootdisk.s4 4096 /usr
filesys rootdisk.s5 free /backup
filesys rootdisk.s7 256
Notes about fdisk directive in profile file (only for x86 client):
The fdisk is partition of the disk that is dedicated to particular OS.
It must be at least one fdisk partition on x86 system for Solaris to
be installed.
The x86 system allows max 4 fdisk partitions. But only one Solaris fdisk
partition can be per physical disk.
So what fdisk all solaris all does?
fdisk = defines how fdisk partitions are setup on x86 system
all = this should be disk name, so do it on all disks
solaris = this is type of OS
all = this is size, so fdisk partition will take whole disk
Rules file
Example of the file, use && (logical AND) to join keywords/values in
same rule:
# rules keyword & values begin script profile finish script
hostname unixlab && arch i386 - profile finish_script
And verify the rules file:
/jumpstart/config/client_hostname # ./check
Validating rules...
Validating profile profile...
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
Note: check Sun docs for other rule's keywords/values.
Begin (Bourne shell) script
Here you place action to be performed before Solaris software is installed.
After installation, logs will be in /var/sadm/system/logs/begin.log
Finish (Bourne shell) script
This performs action after Solaris software is installed but before
system reboots.
It's ideal for installing third party software, setting root's password,
After installation, logs will be in /var/sadm/system/logs/finish.log
Note that file system remains mounted on /a until system reboots.
File sysidcfg
The sysidcfg file defines system identification, like system locale,
time zone, terminal, nameservices, net interface, root password, etc.
See 'man sysidcfg'.
Share installation directories
Add line to /etc/dfs/dfstab file
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "Jumpstart_Share" /jumpstart
Share directory:
Check results:
# showmount -e localhost
export list for localhost:
/jumpstart (everyone)
Secure client's access
Have client's hostname and IP in /etc/hosts file.
Add client (run command without arguments to see help output)
# /jumpstart/server/x86/Solaris_10/Tools> ./add_install_client
ERROR: Either client name or client platform group is not specified.
Usage: ./add_install_client [-i ipaddr] [-e ethernetid] [-s server:path]
[-c server:path] [-p server:path]
[-n [name_server]:name_service[(netmask)]]
[-t install boot image path] client_name platform_group
DHCP clients:
./add_install_client -d [-s server:path] [-c server:path]
[-p server:path] [-t install boot image path]
[-f boot file name] platform_name platform_group
./add_install_client -d -e ethernetid [-s server:path]
[-b "property=value"] (i86pc platform only)
[-c server:path] [-p server:path]
[-t install boot image path] [-f boot file name]
Example (DHCP client):
./add_install_client -d -e xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx \ (-d = client will use DHCP)
-s servername:/jumpstart/server/x86/5.10 \ (-s = location of distribution)
-c servername:/jumpstart/config/clientname \ (-c = location of client's
configuration directory)
-p servername:/jumpstart/config/clientname \ (-p = location of client's
sysidcfg file)
i86pc (i86pc = correct, this is
platform group)
Expect similar output:
If not already configured, enable PXE boot by creating
a macro named 0100144F017EE8 with: (macro name is 01+Client_MAC, which
is 00:14:4F:01:7E:E8)
Boot server IP (BootSrvA) : 192.168.etc.etc (IP of my jumpstart server)
Boot file (BootFile) : 0100144F017EE8
Next files appear in /tftpboot directory:
rm.0100144F017EE8 (shell script - cleanup file for 00:14:4F:01:7E:E8)
menu.lst.0100144F017EE8 (check this ascii file)
nbp.0100144F017EE8 -> pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1
0100144F017EE8 -> pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1
pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1 (this is "inetboot" file for x86 client)
The file menu.lst.0100144F017EE8 needs verification and maybe some additional
editing. It looks like:
title Solaris_10 Jumpstart for your_hostname!
kernel /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/multiboot kernel/unix - install dhcp -B
module /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/x86.miniroot
The important thing here is to verify that you have
- install dhcp after kernel/unix and
console=ttya, right in front of install_config.
DHCP and Jump Start
Okay, since we are installing OS on x86 client, we'll have to bring DHCP
server into the game.
Client get network configuration from DHCP server during booting.
DHCP (or jumpstart server) doesn't need to be on same subnet as client,
since client doesn't send RARP request for IP.
Instead it is broadcasting dhcpdiscover request and yes, modern routers
support dhcp relays.
My jumpstart/dhcp server is Solaris 10.
DHCP server macros are group of options having info like boot server name,
path to boot and install image, etc.
This is stored in /var/dhcp/SUNWfiles1_dhcptab file. Use command
dhtadm to edit this file.
Information with clients IP/MAC, etc (all clients in one subnet) is
stored in /var/dhcp/SUNWfiles1_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx file (something like
Use command pntadm to edit this file.
Start DHCP:
#svcadm -v enable svc:/network/dhcp-server:default
svc:/network/dhcp-server:default enabled.
Also check file
INTERFACE=eri0 (make sure this is your interface to listen dhcp requests to)
VERBOSE=TRUE (set to TRUE to get error messages in case of debugging)
Let's configure DHCP using configuration tool
# dhcpconfig -D -r SUNWfiles -p /var/dhcp
dhcpconfig: Error - DHCP service is already configured on this server.
Right, it's configured from before, but if not this command will create
directory /var/dhcp and populate with files like .SUNWfiles1_dhcptab.lock
and SUNWfiles1_dhcptab.
The file /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf is created and DHCP service started.
Example follows.
# dhcpconfig -D -r SUNWfiles -p /var/dhcp
Created DHCP configuration file.
Created dhcptab.
Added "Locale" macro to dhcptab.
Added server macro to dhcptab - servername.
DHCP server started.
-D = configure DHCP
-r = specify data resource (SUNWfiles stored data in ASCII files, but
hand-editing is still discouraged)
-p = specify path where to store config files
Check status of DHCP service
# dhcpconfig -S -q
DHCP server enabled.
DHCP server running.
In case you need to add additional subnet:
# dhcpconfig -N -t
Added network macro to dhcptab -
Created network table.
-t = specifies Router for subnet
This will create new file
/var/dhcp/SUNWfiles1_192_168_28_0 and update
Another command for adding new subnet:
To list DHCP network tables:
# pntadm -L
Finally ready to add a client (check
man pntadm)
# pntadm -A 192.168.xx.xx -c X4200 -e 01/01/2010 -f 00 -h client_hostname -i
01XXXXXXXXXXXX -m macroname -s dhcp_server network
-A = add client with IP
-c = comment
-e = absolute lease mm/dd/yyyy, some day in future
-f = flag value, say 00
-h = client hostname
-i = client ID, 01MAC (MAC must be CAPITAL letters)
-m = macro name, say same as hostname
-s = server's IP
network = subnet where installation is happening
My example:
# pntadm -A -c X4200 -e 01/01/2100 -f 00 -h gita -i
0100144F017EE8 -m gita -s
pntadm: Warning - No hosts resource value found in DHCP configuration file.
Operation succeeded, but hosts table was not updated.
# echo $?
3 (this is Non-critical error)
/var/dhcp/ SUNWfiles1_192_168_24_0 got below line.|0100144F017EE8|00||4102473600|8320118836590280705
Check how table looks with new client for specific subnet.
# pntadm -P
Client ID Flags Client IP Server IP Lease Expiration
Macro Comment
0100144F017EE8 00 Forever
gita X4200
We also need macro about client to be added in dhcptab table.
# dhtadm -A -m gita -d ":BootSrvA=
-A = add macro
-m = macro name, say same as hostname
-d = must be between ", like "symbol=value:symbol=value:"
Note: command add_install_client created boot file (pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1)
I am using now.
Client gets this file from TFTP server and executes by Preboot eXecution
Environment (PXE).
The file /var/dhcp/SUNWfiles1_dhcptab got below line:
Let's display dhcptab
# dhtadm -P
Name Type Value
gita Macro :BootSrvA=
Solaris_10-1: Macro :Subnet=
unixlab Macro :Include=Locale:Timeserv=xx.xx.xx.xx:LeaseTim=
Locale Macro :UTCoffst=-28800:
Preboot eXecution Environment
The x86 system can boot directly from NIC using PXE. This works like:
1. After POST (Power on Self test), PXE session starts
2. Client (with PXE-capable NIC) sends DHCPDISCOVER request (port 67) looking
for IP and other network stuff
3. Client also gets information (DHCPOFFER port 68) about TFTP server (has
Network Bootstrap Program - boot file)
4. Now client can configure its own IP and start TFTP transfer (port 69)
of boot file (and store it in client's RAM)
5. Previous is possible since client got BootSrvA and BootFile info from DHCP
6. Client executes boot file (NBP)
7. NBP loads the kernel into the memory
Example - Sun Fire X4200
Turn on X4200, press Ctrl + N (for network boot) and you should see below
stuff (I guess you have console access)
GNU GRUB version 0.95 (615K lower / 4062144K upper memory)
* Solaris_10 Jumpstart *
* *
Use the * and * keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the
commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.
The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in 24 seconds.
You are good to go now.
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