Tuesday, June 10, 2014

ILOM ALOM Command Comparison

ALOM:               ILOM:

setdate                   set /SP/clock datetime=value
                             value format: MMDDhhmmYYYY

setdefaults               set /SP reset_to_defaults=all
                              -> reset /SP This resets the SP

setkeyswitch              set /SYS keyswitch_state=value
                              value= normal, diag, stby, locked

showplatform              show /HOST
showplatform              show /SYS ( to view Serial Number )
showfru                            No equivalent in ILOM
showusers -g #            show /SP/users
showhost                  show /HOST
showkeyswitch             show /SYS keyswitch_state

showsc param              show target property
VIEW DIAG LEVEL           show /HOST/diag

setsc diag_level          set /HOST/diag trigger=All-resets
                            none, normal, User-reset, Power-on-reset, Error-reset
showdate                  show /SP/clock datetime

showlogs                  show /SP/logs/event/list
showlogs                  show /SP/faultmgmt
                          set /SP/logs/event clear=true

                          ->start /SP/faultmgmt/shell
                                   Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? y

                                   faultmgmtsp> fmadm faulty
                                   faultmgmtsp> exit

showenvironment           show -o table -level all /SYS
shownetwork               show /SP/network
showlocator               show /SYS/LOCATE
password                  set /SP/users/<username> password
restartssh                set /SP/services/ssh restart_sshd_action=true
usershow                  show /SP/users
useradd user              create /SP/users/<username>

                          Create "admin"   create /SP/users/admin
                          set /SP/users/admin role=Administrator
                          set /SP/users/admin cli_mode=alom

userdel user              delete /SP/users/<username>
userdel -y                delete -script /SP/users/<username>
userpassword              set /SP/users/<username> password
userperm user             set /SP/users/<username> role=permissions
console -f                start -force /SP/console
break -c                  set /HOST send_break_action=break
break -D                  set /HOST send_break_action=dumpcore

bootmode                  set /HOST/bootmode property=value
                              state=value "reset_nvram or normal"
                              script="setenv auto-boot? false"

reset -c                  reset /SYS
reset -y -c               reset -script /SYS
powercycle                stop /SYS
powercycle -y             stop -script /SYS
powercycle -f             stop -force /SYS
                          start -force /SYS
poweroff                  stop /SYS
poweroff -y               stop -script /SYS
poweroff -f               stop -force /SYS
poweron                   start /SYS
clearfault uuid           set /SYS/component clear_fault_action=true
removefru -y              set /SYS/PS0 prepare_to_remove_action=true
enablecomponent           set /SYS/component component_state=enabled
disablecomp               set /SYS/component component_state=disabled
clearasrdb                No equivalent in ILOM
resetsc                   reset /SP
resetsc -y                reset -script /SP
userclimode               set /SP/users/<username> cli_mode=default or alom
logout                    exit

    If you want to activate SP console ILOM from CLI then you have to set the console type using below command but it will be active after the reboot.

#eeprom console=ttya

Useful ILOM CLI Commands:

Display SP firmware version:
-> version

Show available CLI commands:
-> show /SP/cli/commands

Display status information about the controller board in your server
-> show /SYS/MB/P0

Connect to host serial console (host COM0):
-> start /SP/console

Power on host:
-> start /SYS

Power off host:
       -> stop /SYS

Reset host:
-> reset /SYS

Reset ILOM:
-> reset /SP

Exit the ILOM CLI:
-> exit

Send break to the host:
Escape + B (press the Escape key and type upper case B)

Start the server console:
-> start /SP/console
-> show /SP/console/history

Exit the server console (escape key plus an opening bracket '(' ):
-> <Escape key> (

List users with open sessions to the system console (who is using the console?):
-> show /SP/sessions

Terminate a server console session started by another user:
-> stop /SP/console

Display SEL (System Event Log)
-> show /SP/logs/event/list

Clear all System Event logs:
-> set /SP/logs/event clear=true

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