In general, HMC operations in CLI are categorized under the following commands,
- chsystate
- lssyscfg
- lssysconn
$lssyscfg -r sys -F name state
2) To display LPARs in managed system
$lssyscfg -r lpar -m appserver -F name state
3) To lists attributes of Managed systems
$lssysconn -r sys
4) To power ON managed system
$chsystate -r sys -m Msserver -o on
5) To power OFF managed system
$chystate -r sys -m Msserver -o off
6) To start the LPAR in sms
$chystate -r lpar -m Msserver -n lpar_name -o on -f normal -b sms
7) To shutdown the LPAR
$chystate -r lpar -m Msserver -n lpar_name -o shutdown –immed
8) To find the hmc version
$lshmc -V
9. Show processor information of the LPAR
#lshwres -m <Msname> -r proc –level lpar
10.Show the processor information of the Managed server
#lshwres -m <Msname> -r proc –level sys
11.Show the memory information of the Managed server
#lshwres -m <Msname> -r mem –level sys
12. Show the memory information of the LPARs
#lshwres -m <> -r mem –level lpar
13.Shows the io slot information
#lshwres -m <> -r io –rsubtype slot
14.Show the SCSI devices by the LPAR.
#lshwres -m <> -r virtualio -rsubtype scsi –level lpar
15.Shows the virtual ether devices by LPAR
#lshwres --m <> -r virtualio -rsubtype eth –level lpar
2) To display LPARs in managed system
$lssyscfg -r lpar -m appserver -F name state
3) To lists attributes of Managed systems
$lssysconn -r sys
4) To power ON managed system
$chsystate -r sys -m Msserver -o on
5) To power OFF managed system
$chystate -r sys -m Msserver -o off
6) To start the LPAR in sms
$chystate -r lpar -m Msserver -n lpar_name -o on -f normal -b sms
7) To shutdown the LPAR
$chystate -r lpar -m Msserver -n lpar_name -o shutdown –immed
8) To find the hmc version
$lshmc -V
9. Show processor information of the LPAR
#lshwres -m <Msname> -r proc –level lpar
10.Show the processor information of the Managed server
#lshwres -m <Msname> -r proc –level sys
11.Show the memory information of the Managed server
#lshwres -m <Msname> -r mem –level sys
12. Show the memory information of the LPARs
#lshwres -m <> -r mem –level lpar
13.Shows the io slot information
#lshwres -m <> -r io –rsubtype slot
14.Show the SCSI devices by the LPAR.
#lshwres -m <> -r virtualio -rsubtype scsi –level lpar
15.Shows the virtual ether devices by LPAR
#lshwres --m <> -r virtualio -rsubtype eth –level lpar
HMC stands for Hardware Management Console which provides following features.
i) Dedicate Linux OS for management for servers and partitions.
ii) Used to create, delete and modify LPARs.
iii) Power-On and Power-Off the MS (Managed System)
vi) Access to Live Partition Mobility (LPM)
v) Partition resource configuration management like.
- CoD - Capacity On Demand for Memory and Processor
- DLPAR operations like moving the shared processor and memory.
- Access to Virtual Consoles.
- System Plan creation/deployment.
- S/W & F/W maintenance.
- Server Service event management/call home
- Powersupply management.
A HMC can manage upto 48 (Managed) non 590-595 servers and 32 590/595 server.
What is the max no LPARs does an HMC can manage ?
A HMC can manage
upto 254 LPARs (Logical Partitions).
many HMCs can manage a server at one time?
a time a 2 HMCs can manage a server .
the HMC failures affect the MS?
No. the
Failure of HMC should affect the MS.
Repesentation of HMC
PC based console
Running custom linux and Java application
Remotely accessible
Connects to the SP (Server Processor)
over private or open network.
are the ways to connect HMC
are 3 ways to connect the HMC, they are i) SSH over CLI
ii) need to install websm client in remote desktop to connect HMC.
method Java app in browser https://<hmc IP address>
What is
CoD ?
--> Capacity
Upgrade on Demand (CuoD)
Permanent activation of Processor or Memory
--> Trail
No change 30
day actiivation of Processors or memory resources
--> On/Off
Ability to
activate processor or memory resources temporarily
--> Utility
Additional proc capacity on a
temporarily basis within the shared proc pool.
What are the different HMC versions
and 5.2 NA
6.0 and 6.1 under migration
and 7.7 (current version)
Describe about the HMC login details
- Default ID and Password is hscroot:abc123
- HMC can also use RBAC
- hscroot uses “pshell” (Program Engineers Shell).
- H/W troubleshooting of HMC can be done by root (root:passw0rd).
What is Flexible SP (Service Processor) and its Features?
- "hscpe" account is used for IBM troubleshooting.
- Is a technology developed by IBM which consists of a piece of hardware and firmware.
- Used to connect MS (managed system) to HMC.
- Responsible for hardware initialization during booting up of MS.
- Report all hardware related errors and notify to System administrator to pro-actively involve in the issue before creating any issues.
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