Sun x86 Firmware (ILOM/BIOS) Update Procedure
This method of updating firmware patch is called Remote Flashing image method.
In Sun Fire X4xxx series server with firmware that resides in the following locations:
Server motherboard (system BIOS)
Server’s Service Processor (ILOM)
On-board LSI disk controller (HBA BIOS)
Among these BIOS/ILOM are always updated together, We can update both ILOM and BIOS firmware even if one of their versions has not changed since the last software update.
Step 1
Download the corresponding latest patches/updates from the Oracle downloads page.
Step 2
Ensure that you have the file: ILOM-3_0_6_15_d_r67788-Sun_Fire_X4150_X4250_X4450.pkg on the PC that will access the ILOM web GUI. Also ensure the MD5 hash of the downloaded file is same as provided.
Step 3
Start the Intergrated LOM SP web GUI by typing the IP address of the SP into a browser.
Step 4
Log in to
the SP, and backup the current configuration
Using the option Backup/Restore in Maintenance tab, Select a transfer method from the Transfer Method drop-down list as "Browser"
With the Browser transfer method, the backup file is saved according to your web browser settings.
Step 5
Click on the Maintenance Tab and choose Enter Upgrade Mode
Click Browse and navigate to the location of the flash file
Step 7
Click Upload
Step 8
Once the firmware is uploaded, you will be asked to confirm the upgrade,as the current firmware and future firmware versions will be displayed. Please capture screenshot before proceeding.
You will be presented with a screen that asks if you want to preserve or Not to preserve the current Settings, and if you want to delay BIOS upgrade until next server poweroff.
Please Choose “Preserve” and do NOT delay BIOS upgrade
Step 9
Click "Start Upgrade". The BIOS and SP firmware on the Sun Fire X4150/X4250/X4450 server will be updated.
Step 10
Reboot server for confirmation
Step 11 Log in to the SP and check the ILOM and BIOS version.
Check My Next article on Sun SPARC Firmware update
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